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Schools and leisure centres

Learning while having fun, that's class !

Presentation and practical information

Welcome to the fascinating world of the Grand Aquarium de Touraine. Our enthusiastic and passionate team invites you to discover our 8 interactive educational workshops...not forgetting our new products. You are the actors in this learning experience of rivers and oceans: we are pleased to share with you our universe of discovery and exploration of the aquatic world.

Free pre-visit for teachers

Dear teachers, we offer you the opportunity to visit the Grand Aquarium as a "scout": you will discover the tour route in order to familiarise yourself with the different worlds. The pre-visit ends with a presentation of our programmes and teaching materials. This is a valuable step in the preparation of your visit. The pre-visit ends with a presentation of our workshops. This is a valuable step in the preparation of your visit. Prior registration:

Conditions and reservations for all visit formulas:


  • The class is received on reservation according to availability.

  • Accompanying adult package (unlimited number) 10€.

  • A minimum of 15 children is required per booking.

Nouveauté : la mallette pédago !

4 ateliers clés en main embarqués et à réaliser en totale autonomie tout au long du parcours de visite !

Cycle 1 :

  • Une coquille pour Bernie
  • Les Aqua-Explorateurs

Cycle 2 :

  • Poissons gourmands
  • Le voyage de Marin et Ondine

Plus d'infos et réservations :

Educational workshops


Cycle 1 - 3 to 5 years - 20 students max. - 20 min

The Little Coastal Explorers

Learning objectives :

Discover the living world through coastal environments

Educational objectives :

  • Understand the diversity of life
  • Meet the emblematic species of the seashore
  • Interact, communicate and take collective decisions
  • To become aware of the protection of the environment

Educational fields :

  • Explore the living world and use language
  • Act through motor skills
  • Discovering a new environment

This workshop aims to transport young children to a distant environment, perhaps unknown to some, the beach. Through motor skills, tactile experiences and group reflection, the children will explore the fantastic world of the French coast. A living, fragile and inspiring world that will allow them to communicate.


Cycle 1 - 3 to 5 years - 20 students max. - 30 to 45 min

Bernie's world

Learning objectives :

Explore life, shapes, colours and textures through an underwater journey

Educational objectives :

  • To meet an atypical species, the hermit crab
  • To understand marine diversity
  • Recognise shapes, colours and textures
  • Interact and communicate through the senses

Educational domain :

  • Explore the living world
  • To structure one's thinking through the recognition of colours and geometric shapes
  • Mobilise language and the senses
  • Acting and expressing oneself around an artistic creation

This workshop introduces young children to the fantastic world of the sea by following the adventure of Bernie, the stoat, and his friends. A story to be read in class will allow you to start discussions about this animal-totam. During the visit to the aquarium, the children will then be able to apprehend the universe surrounding Bernie through a sensory discovery based on sight and touch.


Cycle 2 - 6 to 8 years - 20 students max. - 60 min

The fishes go to the table

Learning objectives :

Understand the link between the environment of fish and their food

Teaching objectives :

  • To understand the diversity within the aquatic world
  • Mobilise touch to trigger reflection
  • To become aware of the fragility of the world

Educational fields :

  • Questioning the living world
  • Explore the organisations of the world
  • Finding one's bearings in space

To understand the feeding of aquatic organisms, the children will analyse the variety of environments and the diversity of diets. By understanding the ecological role of these aquatic animals and their interactions in the food chain, they will be able to become aware of the fragility of ecosystems and the impact of human activity on biodiversity. 


Cycle 2 - 6 to 8 years - 20 students max. - 45 to 60 min

Water in all senses

Learning objectives :

Discover the Loire through the senses

Educational objectives :

  • Become familiar with the diversity of the Loire
  • Use your senses to develop your reflection and sensitivity

Educational areas :

  • To approach the changes in the state of water and its sensitivity
  • To question the world of life
  • Finding one's bearings in space

Through an extraordinary sensory journey, the children will learn about the path of the Loire, the different environments it travels through and the species it hosts. As we travel down the Loire, we will explore the landscapes of the mountain, the stream, the river and the ocean to understand the water cycle and its changes of state. Here, the senses will be the trigger for individual reflection and collective talks.

Cycle 3 - 9 to 12 years -20 students max. - 45 min

Attention Loire fragile !

Learning objectives :

Discover the fantastic world of the sea through literature and art history

Educational objectives :

  • To become familiar with the biodiversity of the Loire
  • Develop sensibility and understand how to protect the environment

Educational fields :

  • Representing oneself in space
  • To question the world and its diversity
  • Understand the changes in matter
  • Understand the place where I live and become a responsible citizen

Inhabitants of the Val de Loire, the river is part of our daily lives. The Loire is inseparable from the history, geography and biodiversity of our region. Let's discover the dangers facing this iconic river and what we can do to protect it. 


Cycle 3 - 9 to 12 years - 30 students max. - 60 min

The sea, between terror and fascination

Learning objectives :

Discover the fantastic world of the sea through literature and art history

Pedagogical objectives :

  • To enrich one's literary and artistic culture
  • Discover the ancient technological tools of navigation
  • Understand the history of navigation in its entirety 
  • To express oneself around the strange beings of the sea

Educational domains :

  • Finding one's bearings in time and space
  • To use oral and written language to describe and compare
  • Develop their sensitivity to the sea

By looking at the chronology of fantastic stories and the technical advances in navigation, we will be able to understand the relationship between man and the fascinating environment of the sea throughout history. The programme includes the recognition of mythical figures, the manipulation of technical objects and the creation of plastic art around strange and hybrid aquatic beings.


Cycle 4 - 13 to 1 years - 15 students max. - 60 min

Aquaristic apprentices

Learning objectives :

Discover the aquarium through its chemical and technological aspects.

Educational objectives :

  • Recognise the diversity of environments
  • Understand the chemical and technological needs in setting up an aquarium
  • To warn of the impacts of human activity in the marine environment

Educational fields :

  • Looking at and understanding the world
  • To approach the chemical characteristics of an environment 
  • Understand chemical transformations
  • Meet new technological tools
  • To develop moral and ethical awareness

It is around the setting up of a freshwater aquarium that the students will be able to tackle themes such as environmental diversity, the technology of aquatiums and the chemical aspects of water. The programme includes salinity tests, PH calculations and the use of a microscope.



Cycle 4 - 13 to 15 years - 15 students max. - 60 min

Diving in the aquarium

Learning objectives :

Discover the leisure activity of diving, its history, its technical tools and its impact on the environment

Educational objectives :

  • To know the effects on the body and the tools necessary to practice
  • Understand the technical developments in the field throughout history
  • To warn of the impacts of human activity in the marine environment

Educational areas :

  • To know the needs of the body and its reaction during an immersion
  • To find one's bearings in time
  • Understand the technological evolution in a specific field
  • To become aware of the need to adopt ethical and responsible behaviour

For a historical and technical approach, the students will be able to analyse the hobby of diving. Physical experiments and an analysis of the equipment will allow them to discover this activity and to learn more about the human body.


  Enfant scolaire / centre de loisirs Forfait accompagnateur (nombre illimité)
Visite libre Aquarium 10€ 20€
Visite libre Aquarium et ParcMini-Châteaux 20€ 40€
Supplément visite guidée 4€ 4€